QTBIPOC Interactive Story Map

Our personal stories about community life, movements, and the cultures we build as QTBIPOC people in this city are often tied to a particular place. A venue. A park. An organization. Or an intersection.

This map tells place-based stories about QTBIPOC existence. Please contribute to it!

Despite being regularly erased and displaced from white cis queer spaces, we have created our own alternative community spaces that reflect our needs and our visions. We have also reclaimed the spaces that were not built with us in mind. Marvellous Grounds has created this interactive map to share with each other sites of QTBIPOC joy, and sites of QTBIPOC grief/rage. The map also includes stories about past QTBIPOC spaces that no longer exist, and stories about places where we, as QTBIPOCS, find each other and found new meeting places. We are hoping that this map will itself become a meeting place where narratives that are rarely shared in public can come together.

How to write a great story
1.    Be specific (What happened? Where? When/how long for?)
2.   Make your story real (What was the atmosphere in the street, and in the air? What can you see/hear/smell?)
3.   Tell the bigger picture (What is the relevance of this story for QTBIPOC Toronto? What came before and after? Was it the first, the last, the only?)
4.   Be respectful (Who else was there? Would they want to be credited for their contribution, or is it better to keep it anonymous? If the story is hard to tell, how can you be gentle with yourself, who can you reach out to?)


QTBIPOC Grief / Rage
QTBIPOC Grief / Rage
QTBIPOC Meeting Places
QTBIPOC Meeting Places
QTBIPOC Spaces from the Past
QTBIPOC Spaces from the Past


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